Becoming an Apprentice

Right after Lin Dong left, Lin Han's phone rang.


"Little Brother Lin, it's me, Zheng Jiarui."

Lin Han immediately put on a big smile and said, "Oh, President Zheng! How are you doing?"

"Little Brother Lin, have you eaten yet?'

Lin Han looked at the meal on the table and he immediately said, "Oh, not at all. Not yet."

"Oh that's good. I booked a room at the Royal Capital Restaurant, how about you join us too? Is your little son Lin Dong there?" Zheng Jiarui said, sounding like he was in a good mood.

"Uh…" Lin Han hesitated.

"What is it? Not convenient? Little Brother Lin, actually, I think we can work together on a new project."

Lin Han's eyes immediately lit up. "Convenient, very convenient, how could it be not convenient? I will be right there."

"Hahaha, that's good then." Zheng Jiarui hung up.