Lin Dong’s Retaliation

- Royal Capital Hotel - 

Lin Dong followed his father and brother into the room reserved by President Zheng. The moment they went in, they saw President Zheng, his wife, and his daughter.

The Lin Family's assets weren't very big, and Lin Han's personal assets were only worth a few hundred million yuan. Otherwise, the two young masters of the Lin Family wouldn't have been in such an awkward position in Shangcheng. 

If Lin Han wanted to get into the real estate market in Shangcheng with just that few hundred million yuan of assets, it was indeed not enough. At a place like Shangcheng, every inch of soil was worth a ton, and you would need at least a couple billion to try to get a certain piece of land for development. So, if Lin Han didn't have a partner, he was indeed not qualified to play in this league.