This Tea Isn’t Ordinary

Lin Dong immediately dumped everything from his bag onto the table, there were his phone, keys, as well as the Da Hong Pao tea package that he didn't notice. Then, he picked up his phone and browsed his call history.

When he clicked into Xu Cheng's number, he paused and said, "No, my teacher just acknowledged me as his apprentice, yet I didn't even send him any gifts and I'm already asking him for a favor. This isn't polite."

Young Master Lin snorted, "Then don't call him, he won't be able to help anyways."

At this moment, Lin Han's phone sounded, and it was from the company. 


"President Lin, something happened! The quality inspection bureau came to check the aging problem of our factory's equipment and product quality, saying something about someone reporting us for product defects. We might have to temporarily close down for inspection before being able to open again."