The Dying Senator

Stenson began regretting accepting this mission after he got back to his place.

Seeing him in a daze, his girlfriend asked him, "You weren't fired again, right? Stenson?"

Stenson shook his head. "Jenny, I think my boss is crazy. What do you think I should do? You told me before to treat this boss well and loyally follow him, and that if I keep on wasting away my life then we won't even have money to get married. But, do you know how crazy he is?"

Jenny looked at him blankly, wanting to know more.

"He told me to go and find Senator Jerry and tell him that my boss can treat his cancer. The guy told me to get Senator Jerry over to his ghetto-azz lab man. If I just go and find Senator Jerry, do you think his bodyguards would beat me up? Not even the top doctors could treat him, yet my boss is saying he can?"

Jenny: "Maybe he just wants to test your resolve and courage?"