What I’ve Been Looking For Came Knocking

Xu Cheng temporarily handed the casino businesses to his apprentice Lin Dong. In fact, Lin Dong didn't have to do much. Stenson already found a professional manager, so Lin Dong was just the legal representative who would oversee everything in the real boss's place. 

Xu Cheng didn't show his face from the beginning to the end.

After another month passed, that little drone bee was still alive. (TL Note: alright so this author just made a note in this chapter saying that he meant drone bee all along, so I'm switching over to drone bee too from the queen bee. Queen bee actually lives for 2-3 years on average, and drone bees die right after mating or stings or 6 weeks, whichever comes first.)

Which meant, it had already lived for more than 2 months. 

Xu Cheng pointed at that bee and said to Stenson, "This male bee has lived for more than 2 months. Miraculous, isn't it?"