Since You are Here, Just Stay and Have Fun for a While Longer

After the doctors came and assessed the old man, the old Eastern medicine doctor said to Minister Ye, "It's all good, the blood he just spat out had been congested in his body for a while."

Hearing this, Minister Ye and his wife finally calmed down. Another western doctor was in the process of applying medical ointment onto the wounds on the old man's face, while the last one attended to the other elders to make sure they were all fine too.

Now, the Ye Family definitely couldn't live in a courtyard like this anymore, it would need to be rebuilt.

After the three doctors were done, they all looked at Xu Cheng intently.

That kind of look, like they were looking at their first love, was really making Xu Cheng uncomfortable.

"You three old gentlemen, don't tell me that I'm your long-lost grandson. The way you guys are looking at me is really making me feel insecure."