Just One Step Away from Transforming from Girl to Woman

In the luxurious metropolis that is Dubai, Xu Cheng and Lin Chuxue arrived at the airport in sunglasses. 

Haber's second eldest son personally drove an extended white Rolls-Royce to pick them up.

"Mr. Xu, right? My father had been waiting for your arrival for a long time." Haber's eldest son, Zawa, was sitting on the front passenger seat, and he turned to the back and greeted Xu Cheng enthusiastically, "Mr. Xu, why not just come and live at our house? My father said he prepared a lot of red wine there."

"My wife had been wanting to stay at the Burj Al Arab hotel for a long time, and I didn't have the time to bring her over before. Since it's already been booked now, we will just live at the hotel."

Zawa: "Oh I see, my father is very happy about your arrival. We will for sure bring you around and make sure you and your wife have a great time!"