I Want to Give You a Gift

- Deep into the night - 

Xu Cheng sat on the balcony of the bedroom and smoked a cigarette.

Dubai's night view was very beautiful. Staying at one of the tallest hotels in the world, he could overlook the night view of the entire Dubai city. But, Xu Cheng wasn't in the mood to enjoy it. 

Come clean to her?

But how would she view him? A scary mutant that only looked like a human?

A laboratory product?

In fact, the reason Xu Cheng didn't want to tell Lin Chuxue at first wasn't that he didn't trust her, but he didn't want her to worry. 

No one knew if his genes were mature. It wasn't the same as using medicine to save others, there were a lot of genes in his body, some even yet to be discovered. So, his body was just a combination of all sorts of genes, and the control of life and death wasn't in his hand. Before he figured out his body and knew what was going on, Xu Cheng didn't dare to tell Lin Chuxue.