Big Brother Cheng, I’m Really a Good Sniper

"I'm trash?" Chris laughed out of anger. He looked at the others and then looked at Xu Cheng and said, "Even a little boss like you from a nobody mercenary group dares to look down on me now? What gives you confidence? Let me tell you, Mario, Zhang Xiu, and many of the people that are still standing here with you were recruited by me. If it weren't for me, you think your two bros alone could have recruited this many people?"

Immediately, he turned to the other buddies that he helped recruit into the Deviant Mercenary Corp and said, "Let's go, why do we even bother staying here? What a picky beggar."

Xu Cheng lit a cigarette for himself. They could leave if they wanted, he didn't really care. He didn't believe that he couldn't find any fearless warriors in the Land of Mercenaries.