The Special Features of the Members

The moonlight tonight was pretty poor, not bright enough, but it was just what the Falcon Clan needed.

Utilizing the dark night to their advantage, they began to fight back. 

Instantly, dozens of people came out from all corners. After noticing that there were no more shots, they shouted, "Boss, it's fine now!"

The other soldiers prepped the trucks and heavy weapons and jumped on, preparing to hunt down whoever dared to poke the hornet's nest.

The big boss came out carefully and asked his men, "Did you count the casualties from tonight?"

"Not yet, but more than a hundred bros died!"

"Sh-t!" the big boss cursed and he shouted with a grim expression, "No matter who it is, chase after them! We must avenge our brothers!"


A gunshot brought an abrupt end to his roar!