
The other guys immediately threw whatever they had in their hands at Xu Cheng, mainly wrenches.

Xu Cheng grabbed onto a man's wrist and with a brutal twist -


The palm was twisted in the opposite direction, and the big man screamed in pain. Xu Cheng took the wrench in his hand and smashed it right onto his head!

The man groaned and immediately fell to the ground. 

Three Cobra mercenaries rushed from behind Xu Cheng. Xu Cheng swung the wrench towards his back, hitting the head of one of them right away and directly knocking the daylight out of him as he spun around and fell down. Xu Cheng charged into the other two, grabbing them by the neck and lifting them off the floor. Both of these big guys were at most 300 pounds, but Xu Cheng's arm strength could easily handle 4 thousand pounds of weight. Picking these two guys up was like picking up two little chickens, and he tossed them both towards the big pillar at the front door.