Expanding Team

- Deviant Mercenary Camp - 

Lin Dong was on guard tonight. He looked around with the binoculars into the distance, and it was already dark. However, there seemed to be a fleet of cars with their headlights flashing, and it also seemed to be a pretty big fleet by the looks of it.

Lin Dong immediately blew his whistle on the sentry tower.

Immediately, from the rooms, Kurt, Mario, and the others all couldn't even bother putting on their clothes as they came out with their guns to look at the situation from the gate.

Li Wei and Luo Yi also saw more than forty vehicles and were shocked as they immediately shouted, "Prepare the mines, lock the gates!"

There were pits in front of the gate that were previously dug and prepared with mines. They activated them all and immediately turned off the lights at the camp before locking the door. Then, from gaps between the gates, they watched as the giant fleet of vehicles approached.