Special Treatment at Special Times

When Fick counted down to 'one,' the comrade in front of him shifted his body away immediately. 

Fick's eyes immediately focused on the sniper lens and saw a target. He was 0.3 seconds to lock onto the target when he saw Xu Cheng's head in the crosshairs, and he was about to pull the trigger, and a 'bang' was heard on the battlefield. 

The commander asked, "Target down?" 

The technician used the drone's camera to zoom in on Xu Cheng and found he was still holding half a cigarette in his mouth while exhaling white smoke, so he said, "The shot missed." 

HQ: "Casey, who fired the shot? Him or Fick?" 

"The shot wasn't from Fick, it was the target. Fick's bullet didn't go out, and he got shot in the head! That guy's bullet pierced through the lens and went in his eye and through his head!" Casey replied in a ghostly voice. 

Everyone in the headquarters was shocked! 

Was he human?