There’s Only One Leader, You Divide Amongst Yourselves

"Right now, aside from

having claws, I also feel that I am able to exceed my previous limits in terms

of speed and explosive power. Which is why these genetic modifications need

more research in a later stage," Diesel continued to explain. 

"Yes, as the genes

continue to improve and merge with your genome, you will become more skilled

with your abilities," Xu Cheng added. 

Without saying another word,

Li Wei and Luo Yi held up the red wine and drank it all, before smashing the

glass on the table as they said, "I'm in!" 

"I'm in!"

"Me too!"

The others all picked up their wine glasses and drank it.

At this time, Lin Dong pushed in. "Teacher.... And me too!"

Xu Cheng looked at Lin Dong as he said, "Dong, you are a family man."

Lin Dong gritted his teeth. "I am your disciple! I know too much. How am I supposed to live with that? So, I'll join the group and I will follow the rules!"