Why Is the Whole World Against Me?

Zhang Xiu returned to the camp as the other members were setting up mines and traps.

The two members who followed him said excitedly, "Zhang Xiu's ability has awakened!"

The others were slightly surprised and came together. "Really? What's your power."

At this point, one's ability awakening had a great effect on their defense and could improve their overall fighting strength.

Zhang Xiu looked at his finger and then pointed it at the corner of an area wall, releasing a sticky silk shot that stuck onto the wall forming a spider web.

Everyone was happy for a brief moment before they all looked a bit awkward.

Could this f*cking be used as a weapon?

No one else dared to say anything but Mario couldn't help but chuckle. "What the f*ck can that do? What's your range? Even if you had Spider-Man's powers, there's no buildings here for you to swing around on."

He walked over and couldn't resist touching the spider web.