No other countries allowed to interfere in the Land of Mercenaries

- The Land of Mercenaries -

The M Nation soldiers decided in the end to leave that area and intended to go deeper.

However, they were stopped by Diesel, Vala, and Li Wei half way there.

The three of them drove a jeep and parked it across the road from where the M Nation soldiers were.

Li Wei stayed in the car while Vala and Diesel stood in front of the car. The two lit up their cigarettes and stood in the middle of the road on the highway.

The head general of the M Nation soldiers looked at them and asked, "What is the meaning of this?"

Diesel looked at him and said, "Is it your first day around here?"

The general had heard that there were many rules in the Land of Mercenaries and was afraid of accidentally exposing the fact that they were actually not mercenaries, so he tried to disguise themselves as he answered, "We have indeed been here for a short time, is there anything we should know of?"