Mr. R.

- Land of Mercenaries -

A man in his thirties with a face covered in a beard was riding in a pickup truck.

The driver asked him, "If we bump into any bandits and robbers on the road, you better cooperate with me. By the way, do you have any friends in one of the mercenary corps?"

This western man said, "Yes, in the Continental Mercenaries."

"The Continental Mercenaries? So do you have their tattoos? If you do, things would be much easier. The gang of robbers will not bother me, and I will charge you less for the ride. It'll be just $10K and no less than that. You must understand that we're risking our lives driving down this road to earn some money, a lot of people die here. I could try to greet the regular robbers, give them some bribes, and they'll let us go. But if we meet those individual ones, then we would need more money."

The man didn't answer and asked the driver back, "Have you heard of the Deviant Mercenaries?"