The Death of Lin Chuxue

Mario and Chekhov pretended to walk away, and Chekhov mumbled, "If only Dulson was here, he could run with this woman on his shoulders."

Mario: "Are we sure we're going?"

Chekhov: "What do you think?"

Mario: "I feel like I can still fight."

Having said that, he turned around and suddenly attacked the old man. He leapt through the air and swung his fist at the silver-haired old man. Just as he was about to hit him, the silver-haired old man grabbed his wrist and twisted it.

There was a crack.

"Ah!" Mario screamed as the old man then kicked him in the abdomen, causing him to vomit blood as he flew a few dozen meters away. Chekhov was shocked as he ran over to see badly Mario was injured.

Mario was knocked unconscious right away from the impact.

"Go!" Lin Chuxue's face changed dramatically and yelled at Mario and Chekhov, "I don't need you guys to take care of me."