Resist me?

Everyone in the room looked at Xu Cheng in panic and asked in surprise, "You! Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Xu Cheng looked around the conference room and smiled. "I am the murderer you are looking for."

The Abu Dhabi Representative: "How did you find this place?"

Xu Cheng smiled. "You are businessmen, but not spies; don't you know there is something called tapping? When you interrogated Matsushima Raiko, don't you know that any signals in a network can be traced? I'm not a god, was I going to chase you down through the cable? Well, I was just wondering how to find all of you at once, but since everyone is here, it makes it much easier."

"You! What are you going to do!" Someone couldn't sit still.

"What do you guys think I do every time I show up?" Xu Cheng smirked. He wore a mask, but they could still sense his creepy smile behind it.