If you don't stop, we'll continue playing

At night.

In a nightless city where there were singing and dancing, a bearded man in his forties shouted from a private room in the main hall,""Open three bottles of the best red wine for me, quickly."

Not long after, the waiter unscrewed three bottles of very old Lafite red wine and then carried the plates to the private room.

In this noisy atmosphere, people passed by her.

A man's arms touched hers.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to move away when I saw you. " The man seemed to admire the waiter very much.

The waiter knew that most of the customers here were rich, so he was very hospitable. He handed the business card to the gentleman while holding the plate. The smile on his face was obvious.

"Come and pick me up after work."

The man smiled and walked away.

The waiter then brought the red cloth plate into the private room.

A few minutes after she came out, everyone who had drunk red wine inside died from the poison!