Leading the public opinion

Benjamin arrived at the headquarters of the deviant Corp in the land of mercenaries and said to Luo Yi,""Kush has already killed the Knight and intends to announce the Knight's head to the people in the country, hoping that the people will unite and become stronger to fight against the big countries! However, he's also injured. Should we save him and replace him with one of our people? After all, Kush is strictly not one of us, at most a cooperative relationship. "

Luo Yi smiled."The boss said to let him be. This is also part of the plan. We need a President who can stabilize this country. At this time, we need a President with a temper, courage, and no regard for his life so that we won't mess things up. Besides, he's already on the same boat as us. We don't care who becomes the president of this country, but as long as this country is stable and can listen to us and unite against foreign enemies, it's fine. Go and give him some medicine. "

"Alright," Benjamin nodded.