Hello, I'm the deviant Corp

In order not to attract any attention, haber let Zhang Xiu and Li Wei get off the car on a certain road.

On the side of the road, there was already a sports car parked there. Zhang Xiu and Li Wei left after getting in.

Haber continued to take his car back to Dubai.

At night.

For the sake of safety, the security team thoroughly checked the list of all the police who had entered the palace Manor.

The list of all the police officers in all positions had been checked, from their identity photos to their fingerprints. It was very strict.

In the end, one of the police officers from Bantan lie was not present. The security Advisor frowned. "Where's the Bantan lie? Get him to report here. "

"Sir, he went to the toilet."

Tell the other comrades around the toilet to find him and confirm his identity."

"Yes!" Not long after, the other party replied,"I've checked all the toilets, but I don't see Bantan lie!"