Cut off one hand and you can see my boss

Stenson looked at Jerry and scolded,""Is it the president position that someone else gave you, or is it the achievement that you fought for yourself?"

Jerry: "What's the Difference? "I've worked so hard just to get to that position and leave my name in history. The reason why I have to do it step by step is because I have a lower starting point than others. They have the support of two major sects from the beginning, but I don 't. But if there's a chance, who wants to lose it? "Now that they've found me, I didn't agree but came to talk to you. I just want you to give me a bottom line. I can give up this opportunity they've given me, but since they're loyal to their main capital consortium, I can do the same. What I need is that you don't just want to treat me as a puppet, I want to join the group! You told me last time and I've thought about it for a long time. I want to join now!"