
The commander looked at the surveillance video, and the entire scene was dead silent.

The smile on his face disappeared the moment the missile died.


An unprecedented awkwardness!

The group of people behind him could even feel the commander's emotions on the verge of collapse and the crows flying over his head.

All the military officers remained silent. The entire room was filled with the sound of people swallowing their saliva.

The commander's hand on the console was trembling.

If he was slapped on the left side of his face just now, he was slapped on the right side now!

He wasn't even fighting his opponent, but a pig-like teammate!

He slowly took off his military cap and tidied up his hair that was messy because of the excessive sweat. When everyone was caught off guard, he turned around and flung his cap away, almost smashing it on one of the officers in charge of logistics.