Forced by the situation

Through the window, Kush looked at the thousands of people kneeling outside, and the number was still increasing. After a few hours, more than ten thousand people were kneeling in the government building.

Kush sat on the chair without a word, and after he closed the curtains, he smoked without a word.

After a long time, Kush asked,"what should I do?"

The Secretary said carefully,"you can't lose the People's support at this time. They can elect you as President, so you can't do it without their support. At this time, if the United States takes advantage of this and wants to overthrow you, it's very easy because if you can't give the interests of the people, they can expel the deviant Corp, but they can also expel you."

Kush turned to look at the Secretary."You mean, you want me to betray the deviant Corp?" he asked.

The Secretary lowered her head and did not say anything.