I won in the end

Mali wanted to give chase, but this time, diesel and Vala stopped him.

Li Wei took out his phone and turned on the loudspeaker.

Xu Cheng's breathing was heavy as he apologized,""Once again, he made a decision for everyone on his own, and it's not Kush's fault. He has his own position, but this time, it's a bet between both sides, our bet, but it's a big one!"

"The price is that from now on, our name list will be exposed!"

Everyone's pupils contracted.

"He doesn't have time, so the only people who can make time for old man Hawking and are willing to wait for him are us!" Speaking of this, Xu Cheng took a deep breath and asked them with a sigh,""Brothers, I'm afraid we'll have to escape this time! It's a real escape, and you even have to be prepared to be enemies with the entire world. "

Mali interrupted him."Big Brother Cheng, running away isn't scary. I just want to ask you one thing. Are you really going to let that bastard Kush go?"