The establishment of the mutant Union

In America.

A sudden gathering was held.

They secretly invited two countries in Asia, China and the polar bear, and North America was replaced by the United States.

South America invited Brazil which had the largest population.

As for Europe, because of the old Ross family's territory, the country there could not be called.

As for Africa, there was a Lord who had finally joined forces and was not shouting for the time being.

As for the remaining few powerful countries, they were the only ones left.

However, this secret Summit didn't seem to have been hidden from MI6 in England.

On the other hand, the British side was very angry about being left alone, so they exposed the inside story.

The Wei nation and the Korean nation in Asia stood up and expressed their displeasure.

Why are we not getting a share?

Wasn't China and America in deep trouble just a moment ago? Why did they immediately get together during their honeymoon period?