The only person who survived after seeing the mask

No one didn't recognize this clown mask, unless you were not in contact with the internet and were out of touch with this information age. This mask was once a mask that the whole world feared and worshipped.

It made the clowns in the movie feel ashamed of themselves.

Especially the people of the United States. The clown's mask even made them feel a deep fear. In the past, there were still people who liked the clown, but it once became a nightmare for the people of the United States!

When the seven fiends saw the mask, their eyes widened in disbelief.

"No!" Lucifer shook his head and said,"impossible!" The deviant Corp was already extinct, and their leader couldn't possibly be alive! You must be a fake. "

"Provoking the deviant Corp's Messenger is the same as provoking me." Xu Cheng said with the Golden Mask on his face. He looked at everyone and then asked Chris,""Tell me who your employer is."