Saar joined the Guild

Everyone was surprised by Dulson's words.

It was already noon.

The next moment.


As soon as he finished speaking, beside him, Wilbur, as well as the 40 soldiers behind him who were holding guns, and the three bosses, a powerful bolt of lightning suddenly descended from the sky at the same time. In an instant, everyone was caught off guard and struck to death. In the time it took for sparks to fly off a Flint, a total of 44 people turned into ashes!

The gang members who were surrounding them were so scared that their legs went soft and they fell to the ground, trembling. They saw that the group of soldiers and people who were still alive just a moment ago had now become mummies. As the wind blew, their ashes scattered.

Saar was dumbstruck, because he was surrounded by a group of soldiers. After the sudden flash of lightning, he saw that the people around him, who had been clamoring just a moment ago, had turned into corpses. How could he not be horrified?