One word from her, and the world trembled

Taylor saw that his manager also knew Lin chuxue, and that he knew her in his circle, so he was even more certain that Lin chuxue was also someone in the entertainment industry.

"Which company are you from?" she asked curiously. Why haven't I seen it before? She's really pretty. Even if she doesn't walk the path of power, she can make a living in Hollywood with her looks alone. "

"Don't talk nonsense. " The agent quickly reached out to cover Taylor's mouth, not letting him continue.

"What are you afraid of? she came to take a photo with me just now. I think she's a pretty good person. She seems to be my fangirl. I can guide her in the future." Taylor laughed unhappily.

"Stop!" The manager waved his hand sternly.""You said she came over to take a photo with you? She knows you?"