Chapter 22: Traitor vs Traitor

The moon shines bright, silence overcoated the outside. Teodora stands under the tree in the House Quattrocchi's Garden, she took her walkie-talkie from her basket and dialed someone.

[Code D speaking, you are free to attack both houses.] she muttered while smiling underneath.

Dante only stared on the ceiling of his room while he is trying to sleep, he looks a bit of deprived cause of thinking a lot of things. Renata's knowledge about the Mafia is still baffling him, even him is getting curious about how corrupted the Houses truly are. He went out of his bed before walking towards the kitchen to fetch a glass of water, he then took a glass and filled it with water. Before drinking it, he stared at his reflection on the water, "Why do I get this bad feeling...?" he muttered.

Luciano walks around the House Fiore with Giusto, "Have you visited Maximo?" Luciano asks while walking behind.

"Not yet, we'll go to his place by tomorrow.." Giusto sighed before scratching his head.

A huge explosion occured nearby the House's lawn, the two rushed towards the hallway only to see a ton of Fantasma Rosso's soldiers, "Luciano.. go to Pio's office right now, I'll find a way to hold them for a while.." Giusto whispered before taking his gun out, "S-sure.." Luciano stuttered as he ran away.

Renata gazes at the window, witnessing a horde of armed people running towards the House. She immediately ran in the room for communications and rang the alarm to wake everyone. The children started to wake up and realize what's happening outside.

[This is me, Luciano! Send more dudes, were attacked and outnumbered! Pio's not here, only me, Giusto and the kids are here..!] Luciano yells at the walkie-talkie.

[What do you mean Pio's not there? Anyways, we've dialed more dudes to help you out there.] Gamma calmly stated while drinking coffee.

[Pio's at the House Quattrocchi, that goddamn idiot only went there cause of Delta..] Luciano answered.

[I see.. we'll call him right aw—]

[Sir! The House Quattrocchi is being attacked too!] Nunzio yelled on the other line before Gamma could finish his statement.

Gamma eventually hung up, leaving Luciano on the other line, "Sh*t!" he cussed before punching the table.

"What do you mean by being attacked?!" Gamma yelled at Nunzio.

"Sir, both Houses are being attacked in sync, both nursery and resources." Nunzio stated.

"I guess we'll be needing some help then." Gamma sighed before taking his phone out.

"Who's help..?" Nunzio asked.

"Wolfenstein's help.." Gamma stated at his phone before dialing an acquaintance.

"Just as I thought!" Dante exclaimed as he pulled the trigger of his sniper, laying front on the ground while hiding on an elevated area nearby the House Fiore. "Wait, how did you knew they're going to attack?"  Tomasso asked while spinning his metal pipe, "I had a bad feeling minutes ago.." Dante answered while aiming at the man's head.

"Have you called Piero and the others?" Tomasso asked.

"No... I forgot I'm sorry.." Dante whispered before hitting an enemy's head. "What's important for now is that we will protect the House Fiore, the House Quattrocchi has their own protection, this house is the weakest to begin with, that's why I went here instead of there." he explained while watching through his scope.

Tomasso took his phone to inform the others, while Dante's watching through his scope, he spotted a girl in the battlefield defeating a ton of enemies. Her hair was maroon tied in ponytail, she sports a tracksuit while wielding a blade. He wondered, 'Who's that girl?'.

The girl pounces on an enemy, knocking them out in the process, she immediately blocked an attack using her left arm and stabbed the enemy using her blade, "Be thankful I was just jogging in here.." she scoffed before standing up. Dante was amazed cause of her fighting skill, he immediately remembered Piero cause of how the girl fights, "She came from the House Fabbri..." he whispered underneath before shooting an enemy who will approach the girl from behind.

Suddenly, a group of people who are wearing a green cape started helping out on defeating the enemies within House Fiore, "There's another party joining in, Dante, which side do you think are they affiliated with?" Tomasso asked before putting his metal pipe on his shoulder, "I don't know..but they are attacking Fantasma Rosso's soldiers.. maybe they're sided with us." Dante stated as he heaved a sigh. Upon watching the battlefield, Dante quickly saw one of the members' hair color, the blonde pigment reminds him of someone he knows, 'Could it be I'm not sure...' he thought to himself.

Giusto was delighted after seeing the maroon headed girl in the battlefield, "Pandora~!!" he exclaimed before running towards her, "Eeek! Go away you creep!" Pandora yelled before pushing an enemy towards Giusto, he simply stabbed it using his handy knife, "Awww.. anyways, where is your brother?" he asked before deadpanning, "Probably playing games in his room.." she sighed.

"We're you sent by Gamma in here??" he asked again before punching an enemy.

"Nope, I was just jogging.." she answered right before slashing the enemy.

"Then why are you carrying your blade then?! And also, jogging at 11:30 pm?!" Giusto asked while yelling at her.

"Fine! I was ghost hunting...though..." Pandora shyly admitted while looking down.

"Now that's creepy.." Giusto looks at her.

"Shut up! You are the creepy one!" Pandora pointed her index finger at him.

Meanwhile, Luciano walks around the House while trying to find the children, there he spotted a man who's wearing a black suit. He immediately recognize the man standing beside the window.

"Traitor.." Luciano whispered.

The man pulls an uno reverse card and shows it to Luciano, "No.. you." he looks at him coldly before throwing the card on the window.

"I'm not, and you are the traitor, Salvatore." Luciano smirked while tilting his head.

"I have no time to play with you, all I need to do is to kill you, right here and right now." Salvatore pointed his gun at Luciano.

"As if I'd let you kill me.." Luciano pulls his gun and shoots Salvatore immediately, he simply dodged the bullet and shoots Luciano but before that happened, one of the green caped man jumped in the window and gave Salvatore a drop kick. "Crap.." Salvatore cussed before punching the caped man yet the man only dodged and hits Salvatore's leg then stepped on him after tripping down.

"So the squad from House Blount just arrived in the House Fiore.." Nunzio reported while sitting on the chair placed infront of Gamma's desk.

"I see, did Mr. Blount joined in?" Gamma asked.

"No, but he will meet you in here sooner or later." Nunzio stated.

"I guess there will be a ton of questions that I need to answer..." Gamma heaved a sigh.

"D-delta?! Where are you going?!" Pio asked after being shocked that he saw Delta in the hallways. She only looked at him before proceeding outside, wherein she saw a ton of enemies fighting the robots created by the House Quattrocchi. "You're not in the shape to fight you know! You must stay here and rest!" Pio scolded her while pointing at her room.

"Why must I stay back and rest while my comrades are having a hard time on fighting, Pio?" she asked before averting her cold gaze at him.

He only looked at her, speechless and dumbfounded.

"I see, so you are resting in here while the kids are currently suffering in the House Fiore." Delta looked at him bearing the look of disgust. She immediately ran towards the garage to fetch a vehicle to use, she spotted a motorcycle and rode on it. She started the engine then drove off with such speed that can reach the House Fiore in a span of 5-7 minutes.

[End of Chapter]