Use the Missing Posters

Devan was not kidding when he said that the morning was coming early. He pounded on their doors way before the sun came up. He demanded that they get their things together quickly and meet him out in the hall. As each one left their room, he handed them a detailed map with red circles where the merchants would be. Then he said, "In order to catch all the merchants we need to get going now before they disperse and scatter."

Freddy started whining and asked, "What about breakfast?"

Devan shot him a look that would have terrified most that saw it. Then said, "There will be no time for that today. We will be eating lunch and deciding in what direction we will go from there it will be at noon so don't be late. Make sure that you pressure the merchants to make sure that they remember everything including, how long ago they were here, and where they went after."