Katie's Happiness

Katie was overflowing with joy so much that her hands were slightly shaking. She had to be careful as she prepared the food, but even being careful she still managed to cut and burn herself multiple times. She was still able to get the dish to turn out nearly perfect at least that is the way that she saw it. If her hands had not been shaking so much, she would have had a little more finesse when it came to plating it.

Everyone loved the dish including the children even though they were not a fan of fish most of the time. The mother was surprised that they liked it every time that she had made a fish anything she could not even get them to try it. As they were eating the father had noticed that Katie's hands were trembling at first, he thought nothing about it but when they didn't stop, he nudged his wife and then whispered to her to look at her hands. At first, she didn't see anything but then after watching her, she noticed it too.