I'm Getting her

Anna awoke to see the empty bed that had not been slept in, she slipped on her housecoat and then down to the kitchen and there he was still sitting slumped over. When she reached out and touched Tom's arm, they both jumped. Tom had dozed off trying to think of a way to get her out of there without winding up there himself. He knew that he was going to have to talk to the warden to get her released his best bet was to get him to tear up the paperwork that had been done labeling it all as a big mistake. Then he thought that he was going to have to find a way to try and make it up to Katie.  He was not sure how that was going to go since she had only been nice to his family at least till he did that. He thought if only I had just listened to her this would never have happened.

Anna asked, "Do you want some breakfast before you go."