The plan is set

Gina was glad to get into something that covered her better, but she had to admit that she liked the way that the other one made her feel. She was ready to go down and face the others and the comments that they would be giving her, and she knew that Sarah would have a few things to say. First about the one that she just took off and now about the one that she has on. Gina knew all that didn't matter today Katie was supposed to be arriving at any time. That was all Gina could think about was that Katie was arriving soon. To Gina, it seemed like it was a lifetime ago when she was on the ship, and she would have so much to tell her. She had so many questions for her and could hardly wait to start asking them.

As Gina started down the stairs there was a string of catcalls coming from Sarah as well as a few whistles. Finally, Miss Kathy said, "Okay that is enough of that."

Sarah protested, "But Miss."