The End

Stan walked past Rodger and gave him a dirty look and said, "What you couldn't even secure your own daughter what good are you anyway? What a waste you are all the way around."

As Stan approached the two girls Miss Kathy barred his way, and said, "Just who do you think that you are and what do you want here."

Stan said, "I have come to collect my property. The girls were sold to me long before you had any claim to them so you will be turning them over now."

Stan motioned to his two guards, and they moved up. Stan said, "Here is the reward for returning them to me its 40,000 that I have offered for them."

The guards set the case containing the money on the ground at her feet so that she could see it. Miss Kathy laughed in his face and said, "You could never buy me or one of my girls, I don't care how much you offer, especially my little love Gina."

Hearing that it warmed Gina's heart to know that no matter what he offered she loved her more.