Chapter Three

A meeting is called again, rather early in the day. I'm forced to sneak out of school, thanking myself for having put my suit in my backpack. My wings are in my car, so I'm all suited up and the drive only takes a few minutes.

So this time, I'm not the last person there. I slip in and sit by Dusty, because Strider isn't here yet.

"Hey. What's the meeting about?" I ask.

"Dunno yet, but rumor has it Tiger will be here."

Tiger has been healing since his last battle left him badly injured and exhausted. Some people said his wounds got infected and that's why he's been out so long.

I figure he has a right to rest. He started the Guild, and he's been a vigilante since before the police legalized it. He has such power that nobody can match it. It isn't our business why he's been gone so long.

Strider sits down beside me, yawning. "Did you hear Tiger is better?"

"We can only hope."

Juno himself looks like he isn't sure, so I don't know what to believe either.  Juno is the closest to him, so he would know best.

The door opens, everyone turns to look, and in steps Tiger.

"Sorry I'm so late," He says, walking purposefully to the front podium.

"It's perfectly alright," Juno says, seeming like he doesn't know what to do with himself.

It must be disorienting, to have been the leader so long and have the true leader waltz back in. It's not like he's going to start a mutiny, but I bet he's a little annoyed.

"Go on, you know more than I do," Tiger smiles, and sits down in the front of the room.

Juno looks surprised, but he nods.

"Right. We've gotten word that the villains know about our plan to resist. They've changed their plans. And unfortunately we don't know anything."

Everyone starts whispering. Strider looks scared, Dusty looks determined. I stay calm. We have Tiger back. We've never lost before.

Good always wins.

I ignore the cynical part of my head cracking sarcastic remarks about our death.

"So what's the plan?" I ask, sensing that Juno has lost control of the room.

Everyone turns back, waiting for his reply.

"We're flying blind, Assassin, how can we plan for this?"

And that begins and uproar of questions. And shouts of terror.

I go down to the front, where Juno and Tiger are talking quickly and quietly.

"We should stick to the pairs. If they group up more, we can adapt, and if they go singular, we can knock them down quickly in groups," I say.

Tiger nods. "That's what's safest. But we might gave to change the pairs a bit. I can handle it alone, though," He says.

"I'm more worried that some might desert. They're antsy."

The leader looks at me and sighs.

"There's nothing we can do about that."

I smile weakly.

"So, we need to put more consideration into the pairings. Are you two free tomorrow?"

Juno nods.

"Me?" I ask, incredulous.

"Yes, you. Are you free or not?" Tiger asks, amused.

"Um, I'm free between three pm and five."

"Alright, meet back here at three." Tiger claps thunderously, getting the attention of every hero at once. "Juno, Assassin Insect and I are working on a plan. Go home, all."

Everyone leaves quickly, and Tiger turns back to me and Juno. "I don't want any fighting between you two, okay?"

Juno and I both nod. I think it'll be easier for me than for Juno. Anyway, we all head our seperate ways, Tiger pretty much jumping far away and Juno disappearing into the shadows of an alley. I go to my car like a normal person, and drive home. It's still early, school wouldn't be over yet. I decide to watch some TV in the living room, glad that everyone is busy.

I don't want to get in trouble for skipping.


After school would normally be over, the doorbell rings. Maybe Mom forgot her keys again. I go and open it, surprised to see Chester Copley.

"Sorry to bother you, I was told to drop off the work you missed," He greets, handing me a folder.

"Oh, thanks. You wanna come in for a drink?"

He hesitates for a second, then smiles. "I guess. I have to be home pretty soon, though."

I nod. "Sure. We've got various sodas, water, and orange juice, what would you like?"

Chester follows me into the kitchen, looking over my shoulder as I open the fridge. He looks confused at the labels on the cans of soda, and I smile.

"My parents insist on always having cherry soda from the Philippines. It's good, though."

"I guess I'll try one of those, then."

I hand him the soda, and grab a bottle of water for myself.

"Where were you today? Your friend Caitlin came and asked me if I saw you," Chester asks.

I shrug. "Had a doctor's appointment. I guess I forgot to tell her."


He sips his soda, leaning against the counter, and I drink my water, putting my weight on the fridge. I keep my eyes averted purposefully so as to not embarrass myself, flicking them to him occasionally, and he takes in my kitchen with his eyes.

"You've got a nice house," He says.

"Well, it's no mansion," I say.

"Mansions don't make me happy like this place. This place is comfortable, warm. It speaks of a normal, messy family with memories of little feet running over the stained carpet and thinking this was the biggest house ever. Big houses always seem so... empty."

I look at him in surprise.

"You make life here seem better than I think. But you're right. Little things are beautiful." I look past him, where my mom's glass figurines sit on the windowsill. "But you get tired of it either way, I suppose. The rich and poor alike will always be missing something, always need fulfillment. It's just part of life."

He nods. "You're different than I thought. That'll teach me to judge a book by it's cover. Anyway, I gotta run." He tightens his grip on his backpack strap, and starts towards the door.

"It was nice talking to you, Rizzy!"

"Bye, Chester," I say.

He leaves, and I don't know how to feel. Stunned, I think. I sigh, and shut the TV off, going through the folder at the dining room table and completing the work.

This is why I don't like skipping school. They even give extra work when you do. And you never know who's going to bring it to you, it could be anyone. Usually, someone on the school committee, or Caitlin.

The door opens, then slams loudly. Caitlin appears in the dining room an instant later.

"You really should knock," I say.

"Where are you always disappearing to? Don't tell me anything about doctors or dentists, now," She orders.

"It really isn't important."

Caitlin knocks my work off the table with a swipe of her hand, and I sigh, setting my pencil down with a resolute tap against the synthetic wood of the table. I stare at her, hoping my irritation is visible.

"Just tell me what's up!"

I pinch the bridge of my nose. I don't know what I can say. Having her know about this stuff could be dangerous for both of us.

"You're going to parties and doing drugs, aren't you?" Caitlin asks.

"Yeah, that. You've figured it out!" Evidently, I'm a terrible actor when confronted.

"Come on, man, you can tell me!"

I start picking up the papers from the floor, stalling as I think of an excuse. I've been keeping this secret for years, she can't know now.

"What is it? You're doubling as some superhero or something? C'mon, it can't be that big a deal!"

I know she's being sarcastic, but my brain malfunctions for a moment and I freeze in the middle of picking up my science work.

"You're not--are you?" Caitlin asks, her eyes wide.

I go back to picking up paper. "Of course not, that's ridiculous and dangerous!"

"You ARE! Holy shit!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Liar. My best friend is a superhero! You've been going to those top-secret meetings they have!"

"Shhh! Not so loud, Jesus!" I whisper-shout.

She slaps a hand over her mouth, still looking shocked.

"Which one? Would I know about your alter-ego? I mean, you're only a teenager, it can't be that big," Caitlin says.

I bite my lip. "I think the best way to tell you is to show you the suit."

She nods, and we head upstairs to my room. I pull out the suit, and she gasps.

"You're Assassin Insect?!" She jumps up and down a second, then calms herself. "Okay, so holy shit. You're not only a superhero but you're also a high-ranking, POPULAR hero, whom everyone thinks is a genius. You're a genius, Rizzy!"

I flinch, signalling her a second time to keep it down as I put the suit away.

"Look, this can't get out. If anyone even knows you're friends with Assassin you could be in danger. Decayance is no fucking joke. He'd kidnap you just to see if I was capable of saving you," I warn.

"Oh my God, Decayance is your rival! You're in constant danger! Rizzy you need to quit!"

I stare at her. "Decayance is easy to deal with, C. I'm not quitting, I'm actually really necessary at a time like this."

She immediately looks uneasy. "What do you mean 'a time like this'? What's going on?"

I wave it off. "Don't worry, it's not that big a deal. We have Tiger on our side again, we'll win."

She nods. Despite not knowing anything about the social hierarchy of our school, she knows a great deal about important political and social problems in our city and the rest of the world. A new illness is discovered? She's the first to know, and immediately starts spreading the news.

I just hope she keeps quiet about this. I've never known her to tell others secrets, but this is a really big one.

She spends the night at my house, still coming to terms with the truth and trying to get over her shock.