
"Hey old monk, I'm going to visit the village today in search of a friend of mine and see if there is anything I need to help you heal quicker, While I'm there would you like me to restock any supplies you might need?" Brad said as he opened the door.

"I'm in need of some things there but you will know what they are when you see them." The old monk mysteriously replied with a smile on his face.

"See you soon old monk." Brad said as he waved his hand and closed the door.

'Now lets see, hmmm friends list, check invite, ahh there it is... Accept.'


You have gained your first friend

Reward: 500 exp, and a gift.

'Oh cool' Brad thought as he looked at the notification. Opening up the gift he could only say "Whaaaat" with a look of bewilderment as he took out clothes that looked similar to a really revealing one piece girls swimsuit.

'What kind of joke is this!?' Brad thought as he looked at it.

After putting it away he told Jarred to meet him near the west edge of the village close to the mountain side he was at.


After getting to the spot Brad looked around to not see Jarred anywhere. After a few minutes a large shadow swept overhead and Brad looked up to see what it was.

Landing infront in a gold and red blurr was Jarred's character Unyielding.

Jarred's eyes where now golden yellow and his hair had now turned golden with highlights of red in them. On his back now shown 2 large wings each around 6 feet in length giving Jarred a total wingspand of 12 feet.

Each feather was golden with tips of each one being a fiery red. In the fiery red of both his hair and wings, although you had to look hard, one could see flames jumping out and inside of them.

Covered in a light silver colored armour with Phoenix's engraved on it. Brad knew it must have been a pretty good quality armour.

"Hey Brad I see you checkin' out this hot armour. I got it from your gift from being friends, it's apparently an evolvable set so as long as I fufill the requirements it will grow in rarity and get stronger with me."

Looking at the armour Brad was pretty upset to know that all he had was a revealing swimsuit for girls.

"Heyy Buddy why can't I see your face, I couldn't find you at all and since you are a devil-angel I thought to look for someone with wings but you dont have any. I could only guess that you were you.

Confused as well Brad looked at his masks sat to see a bracket added underneath all its traits.

Friends list:

Jarred: ability to see your face. Off

Clicking the word Off it changed to On. In doing so the mask deactivated on Brads face so Jarred could see.

"Whoa that cool Brad, I haven't seen a mask yet in the game and by the looks of it, it seems pretty high quality, I bet assassin classes would pay a high price for it."

Shaking his head Brad rejected the idea.

"Alright lets go." Jarred said and he turned around and started walking to the village with Brad.


Getting near the village Brad was quite surprised by the size of it, it wasn't huge but wasn't small either.

"Let me show you around, over to the left theres the merchants street, over to the right is the blacksmith, auction house and pharmacy shop, down the main road is player vendors that lead to the mayors house and... hey where are you going?"

Brad had heard the pharmacy shop and was hoping to find some healing grass inside.

Walking into the shop he was hit with the smell of all sorts of herbs and flowers.

"Hello good sirs is there anything I can help you with?" Looking to the voice Brad saw a middle aged man with a long beard and bushy eyebrows. His eyes were showing great intelligence eventhough he was getting up there in age.

"Do you happen to sell healing grass here?" Brad inquired respectfully.

"Oh ho yes I do, in fact you can only find it here since its a rare herb from the main continent that I brought back and have been personally growing." the man said, "But to purchase it requires alot of money... or something of equal value young one."

'Hmm' thought Brad as he took out the girls swimsuit, "Will this do?"

"What do you take me for? a Pervert?" the old man yelled.

'Damn I was hoping to get rid of it.' Brad thought.

Jarred was looking at Brad with a questioning gaze but Brad didn't feel like explaining at the moment.

Looking through his inventory Brad saw his Healing potions given to him fromt he monk. pulling one out he showed them to the man.

A look of shock filled both Jarred and the man's face as they saw to blood colored liquid in the crystal vial.

"Give me that and you will get one healing grass in exchange."

"Don't do it, thats the first healing bottle I've seen, they are super rare us newbies have to munch on a herb called cows grass to heal. Do you have any idea how annoying and long it takes to eat a single blade of grass to gain 50 hp!?"

Looking at Jarred the pharmacy man said, "cows grass? why dont you just catch the fish and non violence creatures like mana rabbits and cook them, they give 100 hp per animal?"

Looking at the old man shocked Jarred could only mumble as he looked down, "you know that sounds like a good idea."

reeling the man back in Brad says, "I'm in need of 3 healing grasses but I only have 2 vials of this."

A look of contomplation was shown on the mans face as he thought about it. 'I could sell the two at astronomical price at the auction house and it would be way more than just 3 pieces of healing grass.' The man thought as he looked at Brad, "You got yourself a deal boy."

"Noooo now we gotta carry plates and cuppaware around!" Jarred said as he fell to his knees looking dejected.

"Lets go Jarred I wanna check out a couple of other shops." Brad said as he received the grass and handed the vials to the man.

Looking depressed Jarred could only stand up and follow Brad out taking one last look at the beautiful vial.