Double Agent? The Battle Begins

"So where are we going? What are we doing?" Jarred asks as he catches up to Brad.

"Well my quest says to kill a Golden boar and obtain its pelt, so I plan on combining forces with you to kill it since I'm too weak and can't wait any longer." Brad said nonchalantly.

"Golden boar?.... Wait do you mean The Golden Boar!? The level 10 boss of the forest to the west!?" Jarred jumped back in shock, "we are going to need more firepower so hold up just a second."

"Oh for what?" Brad asked curiously.

"Remember I said I have a friend in-game? Imma call him up and with him we should be able to kill it. He goes to a different college but we met up once at a bar I remember his name to be Robert Smith, but his in game is RLR3. " Jarred said as he contacted the player.


Meanwhile back at the village


"Kill the wooden mask player and his bird friend and I will guarantee no one will know about you besides him but since you work in the shadows he won't even know what hit him."

"This is all for a safe passage to the main continent?" A man cloaked in a dark gear with a hood over his head. One would think he was just a normal assassin till you noticed his belt was oddly shaped as a tail and his eyes pure black except for his iris being red as blood. "Consider it done."

Ding~ Party Request Received

Would you like to join Unyielding's party?

'Hmm?' The assassin looked at the screen to see a invite. 'The only person who knows of me is that guy from the bar. I remember giving him and only him my in-game so he must be this Unyielding fellow. Maybe he knows of this pair.'


"Alright he said he was on his way." Jarred said as he looked back to Brad. " Lets give him 10 minutes to get here."


5 minutes had pass when Jarred looked over into the distance to see a silhouette walking to them in the distance.

RLR3 looks to see Jarred and Brad and thinks to himself, 'they can't be the two I need to kill can they?, nah it must be another duo.'

Looking at the assassin Brad was stunned because he could clearly see him but not sense his presence or aura around him.

'It's a good thing he's helping us out or it would be trouble if we went up against such a shadow of a player.'

"Alright now that the gang is together lets start the mission." Jarred said, looking over to Brad he said, "this is my friend Robert from the bar."

"Nice to meet you." Brad said as he reache out to shake hands.

"Likewise" Robert said as he shook Brad's hand.

After catching Robert up to the mission the trio headed out to finish off this boar.


"So thats the West forest main boss huh?" Jarred said as he looked at the massive Golden boar sleeping infront of a cave.

"Yeah watch out it shoots its bristles out of it's back like rain." Brad said, "So whose gonna hit first?"

"I will, assassin's are highest damage dealing when undetected but upon detection our skills are not as powerful." Robert said.

Disappearing from his spot Robert then reapears behind the sleeping boar and slashes him with his dual dagger


(Only readers can see this next part)

Darkness Stab: disapears and reapears behind opponent to deal 250% attack on opponent.

The attack had abruptly awoken the boar, who then turned around to see no one behind it, confused the boar started to walk around looking for what slashed it.

Back near Brad and Jarred Robert had just reappeared and said that should do it for now we should wait till its fully in the shade of something and less alert so I can use my other skill, till then lets watch and wait.

At the moment the boar was just at the border near the shade but its body wasnt fully in the shade. Seeing this Brad noticed that the boar seemed to not want to fully go in.

Looking over to Jarred he said "fly over to the shade and harass it just a second to bring the boar into the shade fully."

"Good idea." Jarred said as he flew over near the shade and whistled to the pig, "hey you fine piece of bacon why dont you come over here so I can get a taste."

Seeing the player the boar charged into the shade to only watch Jarred soar up into the sky above it.

Seeing that Jarred wasnt coming down the boar used its bristles as arrows to shoot out the bird from the sky.

"Whoa, Hey" Jarred said as he narrowly escaped the bristles.

The boar seemed to stop and look around and from behind the boar the shadow moved and Robert reappeared.

(only readers can see this next part)

Devils stalk: able to go invisible and have opponent hear voices in random directions next damage will be 350% extra 50% if stabbing vital


Squeal! The boar rears as it turns to see Robert behind it and then Brad running out from the woods.

Charging at the closest of the two Robert dodges to the side just in time to barely be missed by the massive boars tusks.

Looking at the charging boar Brad could only use Cresent Slash to avoid bein in the range of its bristles due to his fear of his 100% pain.


After hitting the boar Brad finally got to see its stats and when he saw them he was shocked.

West Forest Guardian: Golden Boar

level: 10

health: 8,280/10,000

Attack: 220

Defense: 260

Speed: 50

Intelligence: 25

Magic Damage: 10


Guardian Golden Armor Skin: Defense is highest of the Forest Guardians increased by 25.

Boar Bristles: attack range is increased by 25 due to projectile ability


Bristle shot


