Quest completed, New home

After skinning the boar Brad walks to the cave it was guarding. when he entered he noticed it had three chest made of wood but the locks where spiraling in a silver color, to the side of each chest was the mushrooms he was looking for.


Quest completed please go to old monk to receive your rewards.

Looking at his notifications finally Bras was shocked to see he had leveled up 4 times.


Name: Chaos

Level 8

Race: Devil-Angel

Hp: 1200/12000

Mana: 1400/1400

exp: 10/10000


Attack: 18 (+15)

Defense: 16 (+20+5)

Speed: 22

Intelligence: 18

Magic damage: 20

Skill points: 28


"Whoa look at all these skill points well lets start distributing." Brad said as started allocating the points.


Name: Chaos

Level 8

Race: Devil-Angel

Hp: 1400/1400

Mana: 1600/1600

exp: 10/10000


Attack: 24 (+15)

Defense: 22(+20+5)

Speed: 28

Intelligence: 25

Magic damage: 25

Skill points: 0


Thanks to adding points into Intelligence and Defense the system gave him a bonus of 200 health and Mana. 'Hmm I wonder if every 20 points I get a bonus in stats' Brad thought. After playing around in his system Brad walked outside to see what the other two were doing.

Getting outside Brad noticed that the boar carcass was gone and there was 4 keys on the ground. 3 where radiating a silver color while one was golden.

Looking down Brad had an idea of 3 of them but the golden one was a mystery. "Well there are 3 chest in the cave each one has a silver lock but the golden one is a mystery." Brad said to the two.

"You should take it since it was your quest, it might lead to another part of it." Jarred suggested. Robert had no objections either.


Would you like to let your names he known in the server announcement?

looking at the other two Brad saw Jarred excited and Robert confused.

"Lets put our names up it would be a great way to kick off our trio's famous beginning."

"I definitely will not put my name in due to me trying to hide and you know Brad can't since the other 2 never saw him."

"I guess your right okay..." Jarred said dejected.

Two clicked no and one had already clicked yes.


Ding~ Server Announcement

Congratulations to ****, Unyielding, and **** for killing the Guardian of the west forest: Golden boar. Each player will receive 250 fame, 10 gold coins and a skill book.

The announcement rang three times in all the players ears.

"What!? someone already got the first announcement!? Quick look into the player Unyielding we have to recruit him no matter what to help us create a guild first." Many future guild leaders where yelling to thier subordinates.

This didn't include Snow since she already knew where he was. Breaking out into a sprint she rushed back to where he was.


"Lets hurry before someone else comes and looks for us." Jarred said as he grabbed one of the keys and rushed in, Robert was already in and Brad grabbed the last 2 keys and rushed in as well.

Seeing the cave in the distance Snow was huffing but continued to rush into the cave.

At the moment the boys had just stashed there loot and since Brad was last one she had caught a glimpse of the silver from the chest.

Wide eyed she stopped in her tracks and looked at this mysterious player with a familiar back. Looking at her Brad eyes met hers and he immediately sent a Crescent slash to her while running straight at her.

Seeing him attack she didnt even have a chance to react since his stats were now so high.

Getting killed again she could only think, 'who is this swordsman and how did he manage to get a chest?'

Rushing out of there Bra made a beeline to the old mans shack. After a couple of minutes of running Brad was shocked to see he made a 10 minute trip in almost 6 minutes. 'Wow I guess these extra skill points are starting to show.'

Walking into the shack the old man smiled and said, "Congrats on completing the quest."

Smiling Brad was enveloped in a white light. 'Huh what's happening?'

Opening his eyes Brad noticed there was a moving company in the room.

"Sir you are being evicted for renovations till futher notice."

"Huhhhh" Brad said as he got up from the ground.

"The building has been bought and renovations will be made dont worry the nee owner says all people will enjoy one month free."

"How long will the renovations take?" Brad asks.

"One month."

After hearing that Brad could only walk out of the apartment. 'Where can i go?' Thinking about it Brad called Jarred's number hoping for it to be picked up.


"Hello?" a female voice sounded.

"Uhh sorry i'm looking for Jarred."

Oh hes in his gaming chamber if you would like to see him just come up heres the address..."

"Thank you" Brad said as he started his walk.


"This is the place?" Brad said as he looked at a mansion. Walking up to the gates Brad pressed the intercom and said, "Hey it's Brad, Jarred's friend."

After saying that the gates opened and a maid came out to greet him. "Hello i'm Sarah, nice to meet you. Come inside Jarred should be getting out shortly" she said smiling.

Walking inside Brad couldnt help but gasp at the sigh, this was beyond luxury.

"Oh hey Brad."

Looking to the top of the stair case was Jarred dressed in a flaming red kimono with Phoenix's up and down the sides. Walking down the stairs Jarred reached Brad and asked, "What's up why are you here?"

Sighing at Jarreds luxury life Brad explained the situation to him.

"So do you know who bought my complex and more importantly do you know of a place I could stay?"

Placing a finger on his chin Jarred said, "I don't know who bought it but I will look into it for you, as for a place why don't you stay here till renovations are complete?"

""Are you sure its okay? Brad asked.

"Of course look around you the only other people here are the maids."

"Just maids? what about a butler Mr. Fancypants?"

"Only the ladies can help me, no man shall scrub this back" Jarred said seriously.