Dameon POV: Stirring Up The Hornet's Nest

I had known Len was meeting with Doyle since he had asked him to bring him a change of clothes. However, I couldn't seem to sit still nor focus as I then made myself scarce and excused myself with heading for the toilet as an excuse.

Instead, I searched for all possible areas Len might choose to meet up with Doyle when I stumbled upon them by coincidence as I was passing by on the emergency staircase behind the building. The view wasn't ideal as I couldn't see what they were doing, however, I could hear what they were talking about.

It was about something you would expect from a couple on rocky terms with one another where one seems all too desperate to hold on while the other was defensive and could even be said, somewhat distant. In all honesty, their relationship sounded like it was in an extremely fragile state at this point that I had to wonder whether this was really Len and Doyle that I happened to be eavesdropping on.