Episode 2: Clash of the Beasts

Erika stepped inside a capsule known as an entry plug. Inside was a cockpit to pilot the robot.

"My father never needed me before, but now he built a robot that needs me? Some joke, but it doesn't matter anyways. I may not like this idea, but I'm not a coward either!"

"Insert entry plug!" Announced 1st Lt. Miller.

The plug then got inserted into the entry within the Eva.

"Plug lock-in procedure complete! Initiating first level interface!"

The cockpit then got flooded with an orange amber like liquid coming from the bottom. To Erika, it looked like orange tang juice.

"Is this part of the interface?!" Erika exclaimed.

"Don't be alarmed" explained Dr. Ackerman. "The LCL will help your connection with the Eva, you'll get used to it".

Once the entire cockpit got flooded, Erika took the LCL in.

"Initiating power up sequence!"

The LCL then materialized from liquid to air. Becoming breathable oxygen in the midst of seconds. The cockpit began to change as well. It's screen began to digitalize and show a view of the hangar form the Eva's eyes.

"Evangelion Unit-02! Prepare to Launch!" Ordered Captain Whitehall.

The Eva was then launched from the hangar and straight up to through the roof. It kept going upwards until it reached the city's surface. Once it reached the city, Erika found herself facing the beast that almost killed her when she arrived, the Angel.

"This is it" she thought. "All I have to do is destroy it, that's all".

"Releasing safety locks!" Announced Whitehall.

The locks got off the Eva.

"Unit-02, lift off!"

The Eva and the angel were locked on eye to eye.

"Remember Erika, all what you have to do is concentrate on your thoughts" Susan explained. "That's how it works".

"Concentrate" Erika said to herself. "Just concentrate on walking and punching that beast".

Just as she grasps the controls on the cockpit, the Eva began to move without problems. Then, it started to run towards the messenger non stop.

"Good Erika!" Commented Susan. "Your doing great!".

As she charged towards the monster, Erika threw a punch directly at its face. The Angel's A.T Field blocked it as true first hit went by.

"Crap!" she thought. "He's got some sort of shield!".

Just as she was about to throw the another, the Angel stopped her by grabbing the Eva's left arm. It then began to crush it hard enough to break some of its armor. Erika could feel the Eva's damage as she screamed in pain.

"Erika! Listen! It's not really your arm!" Shouted Susan. "Keep fighting!".

"It hurts!" Screamed Erika as she grasped her left arm.

The Angel then grabbed the Eva by the neck and stopped crushing it's left arm. He then placed its hand and placed on the robot's chest , revealing a red orb on the hand's palm.

"Erika, fight it!" The captain ordered.

But it was too late, the Angel fired a ray of light and blasted the Eva so far away, that it crashed behind a building.

Back at HQ, the command center was trying its best to get the Eva back on its feet.

"Unit-02 just went offline!" Shouted 2nd Lt. Harris. "There's no signal from the pilot!"

"Eject the entry plug!" Shouted Captain Whitehall. "Forget all original orders, get that pilot out of there!".

"We can't!" Lt. Miller tried to explain. "We lost contact with the Eva!".

Inside the robot, Erika was trying her best to get back up.

"Come on!" Erika's thoughts screamed. "Your will not die. You will live. Your will not die. You will live. Your will not die. You will live."


All the sudden, the Eva opened its mouth; revealing a large array of metallic teeth. It screamed at the same time that Erika screamed. It's left arm also began to repair itself as it got up.

"Unit-02 just reactivated!" Lt. Miller shouted from controls. "Running straight towards the Angel again!".

"What?!" The captain questioned. "How?!".

"I think it's gone berserk!" Shouted 3rd Lt. Edwards.

"Erika! Speak to me!" Yelled the captain through the controls.

"I'M GOING TO KILL IT!" The captain heard Erika screamed as the Eva went back online.

This time, Erika made sure that she had to go through its A.T field.

"Captain!" She shouted. "Isn't there any weapon I can use other than my fist?!"

"There's a progressive knife located in the left shoulder pylon" the captain responded. "Activate it!".

"Activate progressive knife!" Shouted Erika.

The left shoulder pylon then opened and unit-02 pulled out what was called a progressive knife. It was like a small blade that energized when activated. Erika then used it to open through the A.T field as she charged towards the angel. The field then disappeared once it was opened.

"She broke through it!" Shouted an amazed Lt. Harris.

The Angel then pulled out its hand right in front of unit-02 and blasted another ray, but the Eva dodged it this time.

"Not this time you don't!" Shouted Erika as she jumped and kicked directly into the monster's face, cracking it on impact.

The Angel fell and unit-02 stabbed it in the face, making the creature bleed from the puncture.

"Erika, listen" the captain ordered, "The Angel's weak spot is at its core, located in the chest. You'll kill him once you destroy it".

"Now you tell me?!" She angrily thought to herself.

All the sudden, the monster grabbed her and began to hang on to unit-02. Erika struggled as she tried to stab the Angel's core, which was that huge red orb located in its chest.

"Come on!" She screamed. "Why don't you just die already!".

As she stabbed, she heard a cracking sound being made. She just stabbed its core.

"DIE!" Erika screamed as she drove the prog knife straight into the creature's core.

With that, the Angel exploded, creating an explosion of white light covering the entire city of Spring City. The explosion was so huge, that it created a ray of light that reached the skies above.

At NERV, the command center tried to get an image of what happened.

"What happened?" Questioned the captain. "Did she make it?"

Were trying to find out!" Responded 2nd Lieutenant. "The signal has been interrupted!".

"The messenger's explosion covered the entire city" explained 3rd Lieutenant.

As the explosion vanished, the image revealed unit-02 standing in the middle. Erika has just killed the messenger.

"Life signs recognized as both unit-02 and the pilot!" Announced 3rd Lieutenant from the com link.

"You did it, Erika!" Exclaimed the captain. "You destroyed it".

Back in the entry plug, Erika looked tired and somewhat happy.

"I did it" she said tiredly. "I actually...did....it".

Erika felt her nose bleed. She then fainted, and everything turned pitch black.