I didn't need to think twice when I see him come into our living room with an irritated face. He scrunched his face in...disgust? Which was directed at Jace. I take a peek at Jace to my left with disheveled spikes of hair poking in all directions which I managed to pull at. I flush crimson red when I see my reflection in the hallway mirror.

My hair was ruffled and was tangled. Not only that but I realized I was in my cat furred onesie.

It was my favourite pyjamas since it had cat ears on the hood and a bushy tail. Yes a BUSHY tail. My face was blank even my onesie said it on the front. That's exactly how I felt after a long adventurous day.

"I have been looking for you" Mr. CEO states with a hint of amusement laced in his tone.

"Well....here I am...congratulations?" I say while eating the Doritos in between my sentence

Well I just escaped a CEO while jumping off a car and end up at Lindy's house yet I stand here eating Doritos in front of their faces.

"You will have to come with me. Willingly or otherwise." He nods to one of his guards as the shorter one pulls out his gun and aims at Jace.

Before I could yell 'stop', there was Jace on his knees clutching his left arm. Blood poured from his wound when I hear him say "Don't.Move."

"...or the next one ends him." Dick face states in a monotone. I look up to face his perfectly structured face with the light illuminating his face under his thick lashes and slight stubble. His eyes were dark and held no emotion.

"Just let me help him. Please."

I couldn't help the tear sliding down my cheeks as I taste the familiar salty substance.

He gives me a nod when I run to Jace and apply pressure to his wound.

"Don't try anything Alex. 5 minutes" He says while taking seat on the sofa and typing away on his phone.

By now the movie had finished and the homepage of Netflix was on the t.v screen. My Doritos was face planted on the floor as I help Jace on the kitchen stool.

It was time up for me since he knows my name. Better not to intimidate right?

I grab the first aid kit from under the sink and start to clean his arm. I disinfected it and realized the bullet had just scratched his arm which meant the bullet had hit the vase that lay shattered in the corner of the lounge.

I bandage layers around his muscled arm as he stares at the ceiling in exhaustion.

"Why you got to have big arms for?" I question as I cut the soft bandage with the scissors and struggle to tie the knot.

"Please. Girls dig it and I know you do too." He says while a stupid smirk forms on his face.

"You don't even like girls Jace. Did a bullet make you straight?" I question when we both start laughing like maniacs.

"Pft, CEO there is who I'd tap" I slap his chest playfully when the taller guard with black hair and huge brown eyes directs me to dick face.

Jace and I enter the lounge as I see one of the guards rolling a suitcase out of my apartment.

"We're going on a trip." Dick face states as if reading my mind. Knowing I wouldn't get anything else from him I take my chance.

"Mind if Jace tags along?" I ask with my puppy dog eyes as I bit my lip with his heated gaze aimed at me.

A simple "No." did it as he whispers something to the taller guard named Phill.

The short ginger haired man returns and grabs my arm as I stop to look back at Jace. I face the ginger head and knee his manhood. Or what little he had of it. He gives a low grunt as I jump on to Jace for a suffocating hug.

That's when another gun shot echoes off the walls. My eyes go wide as I see a police man dead in the doorway of my apartment. The tall guard pulls me off of Jace as I kick and punch the air like a wildcat.

I managed to scrape my nails down his right cheek when I feel the pressure of cold metal against my head.

"Just be careful Lexi." Jace says when the gingered jackass elbows Jace in the abdomen. He doubles over and grunts in pain.

I mouth him 'Love you' as I see the ginger head moving the police officer out into the hallway when I realized dickhead was holding a gun against me.

I was panting and could hear my heat race a million beats per minute.

"Do as I say or else he's dead. Do you understand?" I only give a short nod when I feel myself getting shoved into a Mercedes van. I was still in my onesie and didn't let another tear slip. I had been through worse. I lost people. I felt pain. I know what it really feels like.

It would take a whole lot for them to get the satisfaction of seeing me weak and vulnerable. I know Jace was strong enough to handle himself. I felt for him, he was like my brother since we were born. We were inseparable and thinking of the fact of not seeing him makes me sick to the pit.

I had a scowl on my face with the hood pulled over my head covering my forehead as I try to side look into fucking dick face bitch ugly ass'phone. There was the contact name saved as Don.

Don. Short for Donald duck?. I thought to myself when we slow down and enter probably a driveway. I was eager to jump off again or maybe even kill this motherfucker who was still concentrated on his phone.

I clear my throat and even fake cough to get his attention when I start whistling a tune of a song. I hum a nursery rhyme when he looks up with a frown on his face. I give him an innocent smile and shrug my shoulders.

"I'm bored." I simply state which he ignores and starts scrolling on his phone again. He sat beside me which I left a huge gap in between us and even sat cross legged facing him. I could see the right side of his face when my eyes trail down to his slightly parted lips and furrowing eyebrows.

Without giving a second thought as usual, I yank his phone from him and chuck it at the window across from me. It was a close shot, any more closer and it would have slapped his face. He looked shocked for a milli-second when he faces me with narrowed eyes.

I give him a playful smile and a small sigh when he questions in a cold tone which sent butterflies in my tummy for some weird reason.

"Why did you do that?"

"Hmmm. Maybe because you started to look angry although that's your usual face but your frown is unattractive." I say without actually realizing what I said to this perfect sculpted human of a being.

"You think I'm attractive?" He says with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Nope. Definitely a dick face headed dumb-ass mother fucker-" I get cut off as the car swivels left and I practically fly and end up coming face to face with him. Cursing for not wearing the seat belt, both my palms lay flat on his chest while half my cross legged body was on his leg.

"asshole?"I say which rather came out as I question than a statement. I could smell his peppermint breath brushing my lips.

His lips looked delicious to kiss and his eyes were so light that I could see his pupil dilate slowly. His arm was snaked around my smaller frame although I was pretty wide, making my back arch slightly. His eyes raked down my neck to my raised mounds.

His lips lifted ever so slightly when I realized he read what was written in plain black.

"Fuck you?" He says as he looks up to me with an emotion I couldn't quite read. I slide my arms around his neck and straddle him.

I give him a sweet smile when I nibble on his earlobe and whisper "You wish" I simply say as I take a look at his unreadable expression. This man was a jigsaw. More like a man going through his monthly cycle. Heh, man period. When I see his expression fall yet his piercing eyes made me flush when I feel him hard under me.

The car comes to a halt as I slide off of him and hop out of the car and face slam into someones chest. I rub my nose as I sneeze and feel my cheeks heat as I come to look at the man looking down at me. His smile turns into a scowl in a flash realizing who stood behind me.