The weather was absolutely beautiful and so I had to take a dip after. Changing into a black jumpsuit my phone buzzes. I let out a heavy sigh and roll my eyes in annoyance.


Meet downstairs by the bar if you want to see him.

Leaving the penthouse Mythias owned I take the elevator down. Knowing Mythias, Lester and Jake were doing business down at the nearby base I knew this was the best place.

I walk to the man wearing a forest printed shirt and white shorts. While he drank a martini another drink was set beside him inviting me.

I sit beside him as he gives me a smirk. He was from the Red Knights as I observe the ink on his arm.

"We will be waiting for you after you find him." he says while taking another sip.

"In one piece that is." I narrow my eyes at him and he gives a nod. The prices we have to pay in this world.

I nod in return and make my way up to the penthouse. Well, I could make the best of this day or I could just leave.

But someone was holding me back and I also needed to know buttercup was safe for myself since it was my fault he was gone in the first place.


Lester and Jake returned to their penthouse below mine as I walk through mine looking for one person.

I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't here. I pull off my shirt and pull on black shorts. I looked from the lounge and through the glass I saw her by the balcony beside the pool.

I smirk when she turns around and sees me. I take in her sea-green coloured bikini which she looked ravishing in. Fuck, she was gorgeous and all I wanted was-

"Someone's drooling." She says interrupting my wild thoughts which gave me an idea but she beat me to it.

She walked closer and practically ran towards me with a glint in her eyes. I stood my ground only for me to fall right into the pool. I re-surface and find her laughing. Fuck! what is she doing to me.

"That's not fair, help me up" I say holding my hand towards her. She nears and squats to my level. Good, she was so close to me.

"Life's not fair." She states only for me to hear her gasp in shock. I wiggle my eyebrows at her as she re-surfaces and glares at me.

"You were saying?" I push her and she splashes me with water. After a while of chasing each other around the pool I near her but she had other plans.

She dunks my head under the water so I pull her down with me. I hug her close to me as she tries to get away from me. Her hair floated around as I push it away and cup both her cheeks.

I crash my lips towards her but she pulls back and swims up. I follow right before her and I thought she was going to leave but she took me by surprise.

While I inhaled for oxygen she turns around and locks her arms around my neck and kisses me. I could feel the heat and want as I pull her closer by hugging her sexy waist towards me. Her tugging my hair let out a groan from me as my hand lowers and cups her round ass. She lets out a moan as she tangles her legs around my waist.

I kiss her neck and find her pleasure spot as I carry us both out of the pool and place her on the leather sofa under the balcony shade. I lower myself and kiss her cleavage and she moans my name but she pushes me back.

With the both of us panting for breath she looks away and reaches for her towel.

"This can't happen."

"Why not, it's not like we already didn't have sex." I state cockily, smirking while reaching for her but she pulls away.

"You were drunk besides you've got a list waiting for you" She shrugs her shoulders.

"So you prefer me to be drunk?" I question and she clenches her teeth.

"I hate you." She says leaving me.

"I have given you protection from the other Mafias and who ever wants you dead and this is how you-"

"Don't finish that. You don't know the half of it."

"Just say it already. You want Ryan Rekes don't you?" I say standing up and as does she matching my anger.

"Are you kidding me? To be with a cold-hearted man who fucks anything with 2 legs?" She says while flailing her arms.

"So what, that's practically me only way better and everyone else. Just face it, no prince in shining armour is fetching your ass"

"yeah, I learnt that the hard way. Keep waiting for your damsel in distress Mythias." She says trying to push by my muscular and large frame.

"On the outside your all tough but on the inside your just a sensitive bitch!" I couldn't hold in my anger weather it was because of the sexual tension or her stubborn ass.

"That's low, even for you. At least I'm human, good luck to the next girl-" And before she finishes she gives a humourless chuckle.

"Speaking of potential 'girlfriends'" She states as I look back only to find 5 hot girls in bikinis and that practically showed every inch of their body along with Jake and Lester. Though none of the girls was near in comparison to Alex.

"Have fun Mythias! Don't miss me too much!" Her mood changes as she pulls me to her and licks her soft lips and gives a peck on the corner of my lips that begged for more.

Seeing Jake give a low whistle had a fire burning in my veins, I was ready to punch a hole through his face the way jake and Lester stared down at Alex. To make it even better she winked and left swaying her wide, sexy waist at us.

That's it, I'm going to lose my shit!