I zoned out remembering my conversation with Jeffery. I remembered myself laughing when he told me he was related to my father. I mean they looked nothing alike. My father was a blonde with blue eyes and Jeffery here was a brunette with, didn't notice his eyes though.

"Alex, this is the truth. And it is my duty to tell you the whole of it." Jeffery states while he pushes his shades up a bit.

"Enlighten me..." I Say while propping my chin on my hands. We were seated in the dining room of this already empty apartment. If one would call it that.

"There was a time where your father and I were inseparable. Almost like..." at this moment he pulls off his shade and places it on the table. And that's when I noticed.

"...Twins." Jeffery gives me a quizzical look and I further elaborate, "...your eyes are hazel, a mixture of brown and blue and you both have the same scar above your cheekbone by your temple."

"We were training, we wanted to fight even better than our old man so we practiced on each other with knives. Until his blade hit right here," He touches the scar and looks back at me, "...then he couldn't stop apologizing and offered that I do the same to him and when I refused..."

"He did it himself?" I ask in disbelief.

"But that was not it, after that it only became worse when your mother showed up in our lives. They got married, had you and all that time I was in love with her. I saw the way he treated her and it only got worse when you were born. She confessed that she felt nothing for me but I knew it was because she was fearing the wrath of your father.

So one night I went to her and she actually gave in-"

"Ew, spare me the details... uncle Jeff" I said to lighten the mood to which he gave a slight smile.

"But your father returned early and when he found us she pinned it all on me when really it was her fault too. But your father took her word when she said that I raped her.

So when I fought him to the ground I ran, like a coward and just before I escaped the house I heard a gunshot. He had killed her.

From that night I ran, ever since I never looked back and kept on moving knowing he was out for blood. But when I heard about the wedding, I had to see for myself and I just happened to be at the same place as the shooter was located that night.

I had a choice to kill your father and end it or to take her life instead. So in return for my 37 years of running, I wanted him to feel the pain I felt. To have someone you love taken away from you..."



After a few drinks and the truth from Alex my head was starting to clear a bit. I had a plan.

Now we all made our way to the Annual Mafia Ball. I couldn't keep my eyes off Alex, she was just breath-taking. If one could say she reminded me of my mother, well the mother I remember when I was younger. The fun, strong and beautiful version of her especially now that she wore her elegant dress that screamed power and intimidation. (REFERRING TO THE PORTRAIT AS SHOWN IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER).

I looked around glaring at other men giving her dirty looks as I stayed close to her until she turned around giving a small smile.

"Feels like deja vú." She states as the sound of glass being shattered and a loud thud echoing in the hall had everyone shocked. The music was cut off and everyone stared wide-eyed in the direction of Alex's father. Dead.

I make my to the stage led by stairs and raise my glass.

"Seeing that the future supposed to be leader is dead, I suggest everyone re-think their alliances tonight. Every exit of this building is blocked by my men, The silent shadows and by the Black Devils! Leaving approximately 8 mafias standing before me to choose their side."

To say everyone was confused was an understatement. The apparent ones were 7, the one everyone knew about but who was the 8th one? That was the million dollar question in everyone's minds.

"Did I forget to mention that we have had another mafia right under our noses and I think it's time for them to come out now. So I call upon Alex Lowrence." Everyone applauded as she made her way up and raised up her hand and did a sign. Everyone looked around as a smile made its way to my face when a few women repeated the action as well.

"We are the Night Fallen. Group of powerful women which was started by my mother in honour of those like... me. Independent, strong-willed, smart, best assassins, fighters, business women disguised as normal woman pretending to be in need of the attention of men. Tonight we show them who we are..."

"How? Are you kidding. What will you do, throw your heels at us?" The scum leader of the Deathly Rogues questioned.

Alex nods her head at the woman who stood beside the scum, presumably his girlfriend who pulled off one of her heels and before he could turn around she plunged it in his neck. The splutter of blood being choked on could be heard as she gruesomely gauged his eyes out as well.

At that moment multiple woman held their guns and knives out pointed at the men, but Alex had it under control with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Acknowledge us as the Night Fallen and if you disagree we all meet at the Hell Hole. Ladies gear up! We meet at 12. Anyone who wants to fight, then fight to the death it shall be!" Alex screams as everyone cheers loudly and agrees.

At this point I stand beside her and everyone waits for me to say something in this moment of silence that befell us yet again.

And that's when Dan comes before me followed by the rest of my men sending a salute with there heads held high.

"To our Mafia king." Dan speaks loud enough for everyone to catch on. Everyone synchronized in repeating the same words with the salute as good luck and before Alex could do the same I held onto her hand and raised it with mine.

"And to your Mafia Queen."