It's been too long since I was giving off a good vibe with a smile playing at my lips. I want to live in this moment forever, was that too much of wishful thinking with Mythias beside me speeding off to an unknown location.

The buildings go pass into a blur mixed with the street lights reflecting on to the surface of the water. We were nearing a bridge now and finally I come to ease for the moment to let him know was now.

I hop out and join hands with Mythias as we walk with comfortable silence towards the centre if the stone bridge giving off a soft glow of light followed by a calm breeze settling my heart rate a little too fast.

Calm down. I can do this.

"Well, I guess I will have to go first" Mythias begins with a smirk plastered on his devilishly handsome face shadowed by the night sky.

"Wait, is this going to be the first civil talk we're going to be having?" I giggle softly as he tugs my hands and faces me.

"I know I've been ignoring us, every time I get close to you I back out not wanting to feel anything. I was convinced it was just pure attraction but I can't get you off my mind Alex..."

"Mythias.." At this point I cup both his cheeks as our breath mingles, "I love you, and there is nothing in the world that can change that but"

"But what?" He asks now getting confused.

Why did I make it sound like that?

"The thing is I don't know if you will be happy or not I mean-"

"you're stalling Alex, tell me"

"I'm pregnant Mythias... please say something"

"Is that why you have been distant? Are you sure it's mine?"

"Mythias! Of course, I love-"

"That's pathetic! Why. HOW could you even use those 3 words so carelessly! I don't think it's mine it could be Carter's for all I know!"

"You know you have been spending time with everyone but me, it's all about that plan you have working out in that little head of yours-"

"Mythias, there is no plan!" I yell back matching his anger.

"Oh come on, without me you'd be on the streets, you would have nowhere to go, no family, no house, no mafia which is quite brilliant actually to think that I would take care of you and that thing inside of you from whichever dick you fucked around with-" That cut deep. Guess words are more mighty than swords! Or so the saying, more or less.

"The only dick I have fucked around with, is you Mythias-" The ringing of his stupid phone goes while Mythias and I have a stare down until another message notification sounds whereas this time he checks it.

"Well, like you always say "Keep em' guessing"" My brows furrow to his words until he hands me his phone and walks off.

I look down at the screen with some random guy holding another blonde to the wall seeming to be having sex with a caption saying "Could've been better but aren't seconds just the best? –RK

RK as in Red Knights, but who would send that? And Mythias can't obviously think that bony ass is me!

As soon as I look up from the screen Mythias settles into his car and doesn't look back as he swivels around roughly while the fading of his car's engine could be heard at that same moment shots were fired.

I suddenly clasp onto the phone tighter but once I look up I'm left standing in tears as I look at the beautiful fireworks being let off from the city in amazing hues of blue, red and yellow sparks... if only he was here.

Calling an Uber I make my way to the mansion and run up the stairs. I stuff a small backpack of the necessities while sniffling and wiping my puffy red eyes. Without looking back I make my way down after a little revenge and come face to face with Jake.

He just nods and opens his arms as I embrace him and he leads me to his car.

I didn't know where he was taking me but any where away from Mythias would do even though my heart was crumbling piece by piece I place a protective hand on my belly.

Mummies here my beauties...


I wipe the sweat from my clammy hands as I quickly open the lock to the torture chamber and let him inside.

I am doing this for them. Focus. Don't get in trouble.

I enter the chamber swallowing bile as I see Jeffery Castillo hung upside down still knocked unconscious with a blade settled in front of his neck.

"The brother of Alford Lowrence... Jeffery Lowrence..." Blackwell states with a smug look to boss.

"Does anyone else know?" Boss states while his brown eyes reflected no emotion.

"of him probably The Black Anarchy but not of you Boss-" Blackwell says but gets cut off abruptly.

"King! MAFIA KING. I am the true heir!" I cringe at his tone and let them know that Jeffery gained consciousness.

----Skip interrogation-----

I stare at the lifeless body with eyes wide and blood spilling down like a waterfall making it hard to recognize his face.

I begin to follow Blackwell and Boss out but the doors get locked with me trapped inside.

"No loose ends. Nothing personal Ryan Rekes." With that I feel around for my phone but Blackwell pulls his gun out and aims it flush against my head.

"Any last words..."

"You will never be Mafia King as long as he lives. Long live..."

"Enough!" The searing pain of a bullet going through flesh and bone echoes down the empty hallways of The Red Knights empire with the now cackling laughter off yet another enemy of The Black Anarchy...