Ch 8: Spawners

"Shall we make a maze?" Nekra asks looking at the dungeon.

"Sounds good. We can also do traps." Yuki says showing Nekra the trap tab.

"I could actually make a trap door with a golem so it only goes off under a certain weight." Nekra says

"Ah, so we just need to expand the dungeon then." Yuki says

"We can make robots and golems do that too." Nekra says wanting to save on DP.

"That's..." Yuki says but is cut off by Nekra making a golem with magic.

"Nya, get digging." Nekra says sending the golem out with a plan.

"So now what?" Yuki asks unsure of what to do.

"We wait Nya... Anime?" Nekra asks

Yuki nods hoping to hold Nekra in her lap again.

"I practiced cooking while you were asleep." Yuki says

"Really?" Nekra says drooling alittle imagining the food.

"Yes I did." Yuki says looking at Nekra's cute expression.

'I really wanna kiss her' Yuki thinks before blushing alittle.

"So, where did we leave off? Season 2 of knights and magic?" Nekra asks

(A/N: I wish.)


Few month Time skip.


"Guild master!" The same elven receptionist says coming into the guild masters room.

"Yes?" He asks looking up from the stack of paper work with lifeless eyes.

"The cave has changed layout it is like a lybrinth and has stone type monsters guarding it. However if they leave the cave they suddenly die." The receptionist says

"Really? Are the rumors about dungeons actually true?" The guild master asks since their is one other dungeon in the world.

"If this is the case the king needs to be contacted. This could be a great resource for our country... Start sending higher rank adventures to explore the labyrinth we will also need to give it a name." The guild master says

(A/N: that's you guys think of a name)

"If it doesn't have anything of interest contact the hero to see if she can seal it." The guild master says as he starts preparing a report.


"This is so nice." Yuki says petting the napping Nekra.

'I wonder if it's her cat part that makes her sleep so much. It doesn't matter cause she's so cute like this.' Yuki thinks cuddling with the girl that's asleep on top of her.


"Nya!? I'm awake." Nekra says waking up to the sound of an alarm.

"Good morning." Yuki says

"Who's that?" Nekra asks looking at the adventures fight the stone golems.

"Hm? It looks like the guild discovered us." Yuki says

"Is the core behind the knight mk1?" Nekra asks

"Yes and it's still invisible hidden on the roof." Yuki says

"Good nya. Do the golems drop anything?" Nekra asks

"Besides their stone bodies no." Yuki says

Nekra suddenly is seen searching the DP store.

"They have it!" Nekra says excitedly with a wide smile that seems to enrapture Yuki.

"What?" Yuki asks

"An iron golem spawner from minecraft." Nekra says

"A what from what?" Yuki asks having absolutely no clue what either of those are.

"It's probably part of the knowledge I instinctively know things but if I want detailed knowledge you know the draw backs Nya." Nekra says

Nekra pulls out the golem spawner.

"Sage nya, how does this work?" Nekra asks

(Sage: it absorbs magicules in the air to spawn iron golems.)

"If we bury it like 2 feet under the dungeon floor?" Nekra asks

(Sage: they should spawn in the dungeon.)

"What's so good about weak iron golems?" Yuki asks

"They are made of iron, it will be like a mine. The country would want to harvest the dungeon for its resources meaning more adventures and more dp." Nekra says happily knowing she's going to need to make a stronger guardian to guard the core.

'Maybe a golem metal mechanical dragon.' Nekra thinks coming up with probably the scariest concept possible.