Ch 17: A nap and a Slaughter.

"Nekra?" Yuki asks

"Yuki nya." Nekra says her red eyes glowing.

"Thirsty Huh?" Yuki says

Nekra nods as her fangs show.

Yuki tilts her head to the side once again.

"Please be gentle." Yuki mutters as the Nekra's fangs are sunk into her.


After drinking enough to sustain herself for awhile.

Nekra's eyes begin to droop.

"Yuki nya, cuddle." Nekra says as she curls her self up in Yuki's embrace while purring.

"Oh my cute little dungeon master, you must really be confident to be able to sleep when an army is about to invade us." Yuki says picking Nekra up and taking her to the bed.

"Wait when did she add a third level? Ah misdirection." Yuki says feeling a very empty third level connected to where the gate to Astera is supposed to go.


"So the plan of attack?" A knight asks

"Just charging right in." A commander says as he holds up his sword.

"Charge!" He shouts and 12,000 peasant fighters rush in with what is basically farming equipment.


Meanwhile in the dungeon the stone golems are in a phalanx formation with tower shields.

The farmers are literally running to a slaughter.

The knights are watching from behind in a stupor as the tower shields march forward and the massive pikes spear through the non armored army.

"Magicians!" A knight shouts

Several magicians standing in a circle send a massive fire ball at the first of the 60 phalanx formations.

The knights know they need to break up the formation for the army to even stand a chance so several take the opening the fire ball created and charge into several of the formations.

The legion golems drop their pikes and tower shields drawing their iron gladius and breaking formation to charge into battle with a silent war cry since they can make any noise.

"I don't remember an open area like this in the report." The king says watching the bloody battle as golems dyed red with their enemies blood continue to mow people down as the knights kill as many as they can.

"There wasn't..." Keith says

"Maybe they knew we were coming and prepared the battle field." The duke suggests.


After battling for several hours around 200 knights are remaining of the 500 and of the army 700 are left.

"That was a nightmare, we need to slay the dragon or it will all be for naught." The king says


Meanwhile in the core rather than watching.

Yuki and Nekra are in a sort of forced hibernation because through Nekra's magic 10,000 humans have been killed.

Meaning they are undergoing an evolution and Nekra is evolving into a demon lord.


The remaining 200 knights arrive just outside of the room with the dragon.

"So we just need to kill this thing then we can go home right?" An older knight asks

"When I get home I'm proposing."


"I think those of us that are not settled down are ready to now."

A majority of the knights nod at this thinking of people.

Other older one suddenly the opens the door.

Suddenly there is the sound of electricity humming.

Everyone watches as blue led eyes stare at them from the darkness.


Suddenly the room lights up as the lights on the walls turn on.

Everyone is currently looking at what appears to be a metal safi jiiva.

(Monster Hunter world monster)

It opens its mouth and a massive amount of Fire is shot out at the knights. The ground catches fire as the fire sticks to the armor melting some of it.

Some of the robotic modifications involves breathing napalm.

Some of the knights wearing cheaper armor scream as it melts the molten metal coming into direct contact with them other are clamoring to take their armor off.

The few knights that don't have napalm stuck to them rush the dragon as their comrades burn to death.

Their swords just seem to be deflected off of the metal dragon. One Knight shield attempts to shield bash the dragons head only to have the dragon bite his shield smashing it into scrap metal.

The dragon winds up for another fiery breath a knight with heavy armor steps in front of the dragon with a tower shield.

The fire breath released flows around the shield until said shield starts to melt and the knight behind it gets engulfed in flames.

The remaining 10 knights are royal knights that rush the dragon with magisteel blades and manage to cut the titanium shell of the dragon.

The dragon steps on one of the ten crushing it to death.

Before charging up another breath.

Another knight runs up with a magisteel shield before a massive laser beam is shot out instantly disintegrating the knight much to the horror of everyone else.

Then comes the sea of fire sticking to all the remaining knights in the room several having already fled the room.