Ch 22: Some dwarfs come to visit.

Sitting on the futon watching Anime.

"What is that alarm?" Milim asks

"Hmm? It shouldn't be going off?" Yuki says about to go grab Nekra who is fixing Safi.

"There appears to be some dwarfs here." Milim says checking the camera.

"Really?" Yuki asks


"I still think this is a stupid idea Kaijin." Vesta says

"These golems are responsible for the magical armored soldier project." Kaijin responds.

"I mean rather than losing soldiers we woul just lose rocks." Kaijin says

"It's still dumb." Vesta

"You read the report aswell about the dragon." Kaijin says

"Okay, it being part mechanical as well as a golem was weird." Vests says

"I'm just happy we have a party to guide us." Kaijin says

"We can take you to the door we aren't going in." The party leader says.

"That's fine." Vesta says

"Yeah the explosion monarch should've weakened it severely anyway." Kaijin says holding his massive hammer.

"We are here." The party leader says.

"Thanks, wait outside for us okay." Kaijin says

Vesta opens the door and they hear music playing.

'Welcome to the universe by mega nrg man.'

"Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the universe."

"Music?" Kaijin asks looking at the dragon seeing a pair of legs under and a faint light aswell.

"Is there someone under it?" Vesta asks

"Nya!" Nekra says sliding out from under it on a board. Holding a welder in one hand while wearing a welding mask.

Nekra just stares at the duo.




"Nya, I wasn't here!" Nekra shouts disappearing from her spot.

Suddenly the dragon starts to power up its blue eyes lighting up as it stands on all 4s.

Vesta and Kaijin get ready for a battle before the dragons blue eyes suddenly turn off and it begins releasing a ton of smoke from its back.

"Huh?" Kaijin says

"Nyo not again!" Nekra shouts appearing on its back opening a panel before quickly reconnecting wires in a panic.

"Why are you Nyat turning on!" Nekra shouts closing the panel and kicking it.

Suddenly the eyes light back up.

"Uhhh, can we just talk!" Kaijin shouts.

"Nya?" Nekra says before looking at Safi suffering.

"Fine nya." Nekra says powering safi off.

"I will fix you soon Safi." Nekra says patting the dragons head.

"So, how did you make this?" Vesta says excitedly.

"Hmm? Well, it's a mixture of golem magic and robotics." Nekra says

"How does golem magic work?" Kaijin asks

"Like this nya." Nekra says putting her hand on the ground as stone Roman soldier comes out.

"That's amazing." Vesta says who is watching wholeheartedly.

"Really nya?" Nekra says her ears twitching abit.

"Yes, can you show us more?" Kaijin asks

"Sure nya." Nekra says with a charming smile which seems to melt the dwarfs hearts.

"This here is Safi, my dragon nya." Nekra says as she opens up a panel to show a mess of wires along with a damaged circuit board.

"Ah, this would explains so much nya." Nekra says looking at the burnt board that is responsible for strengthened movement.

It can still move it self since it's a golem but this controls the hydraulics.

"What is that?" Kaijin asks

"It's a control board or well? I don't exactly know because it's used in droids. Anyaway. This thing here controls these for sudden bursts of power." Nekra says taking off a panel on the legs showing some hydraulic pistons with red material aswell.

"What do those do?" Vesta asks since they are still in the concept part of the program.

"The cylinders are hydraulics and the red parts are magic muscle." Nekra says

"I though this thing was a golem." Kaijin says

"Yep it is, but it's big and heavy so we have theses to increase the movement speed." Nekra says

"The pink things, they look like muscle fibers? What are they?" Vesta asks

"Oh they are magic muscle but unless you have the dead body of a dragon they are hard to make." Nekra says

"Dead body of a dragon..." Kaijin mutters.

"So um I'm Kaijin and this is Vesta." Kaijin says

"Hi I'm Nekra." Nekra says as she is unscrewing the control board.

"So, are you the owner of this dungeon?" Vesta asks

"I am the dungeon Meowster if that's what your asking nya." Nekra says putting a new board in and pulling a soldering set to put in the new wires.

"So, um does that mean you made all of this?" Vesta asks looking at the cute cat girl with fear.

"Hmm? Yeah I made it but I'm often to busy napping to control it nya." Nekra says

Kaijin face palms.

"So the war here 250 years ago?" Kaijin asks

"War? What war?" Nekra asks with a head tilt.

"I don't know why people bully Safi here Safi is a nice dragon." Nekra says patting its head as she closes the panel turning it on.

The blue eyes light up as Safi unleashes a massive roar.

Kaijin and Vesta flinch alittle.

"Safi is an amazing dragon is she not." Nekra says with a smile.

"Yes thank you for the advice." Kaijin says as he begins backing away slowly with Vesta.

"Nya? Any time." Nekra says waving the two good bye as they quickly leave.


"You felt her pressure right?" Kaijin asks Vesta the other dwarf nods.

"Yes but she probably just pushed our research forward by a few years." Vesta says

"She's a genius but also a monster. She did have two tails right?" Kaijin asks

Vesta nods.


"That was interesting wasn't it Safi? We will probably see those two in the future nya." Nekra says as the dragon besides her nods.

"Anyaway I found this thing called an empty living core Nya. It should give you the ability to make a body and heal yourself and not use text to speech to talk." Nekra says

The dragon looks a at her.

"I mean a body that isn't the dragon but a human body nya." Nekra says

Safi nods.

"Great nya I just need to find a place to install it nya." Nekra says