Ch 45: Passing days in tempest

"Yuki nya?, What do you wanna do today?" Nekra asks

"I don't know..." Yuki says as they watch the people of tempest use the dungeon to train on the monitors.

"we could go out nya?" Nekra asks

"That could be fun." Yuki says as she notices Nekra's blood red eyes glow.

"How about after you drink dear." Yuki says offering herself again.

"Thanks Yuki dear nya." Nekra says her fangs showing as she licks her lips.


"Nekra-sama! Please try my scewers." A goblin shouts

"Sorry nya, not hungry." Nekra says as tasty as the smell of blood on the meat seems.

"Maybe we should go see what Aunt Rimuru is doing." Yuki says

Nekra nods wanting mess with I mean see her favorite slime.


"Nya? What do you mean she's not here?" Nekra asks

"Rimuru-sama went to the human world." Shion says

Nekra sighs.

"when did she leave?" Yuki asks

"Just this afternoon." Shion says

"Nya, thanks Shion, Rimuru was right you do make a good secretary." Nekra says before they leave

"So where too now?" Yuki asks

"We could always spar with Hakurou nya, he shows promise." Nekra says as she heads towards their usual practice area.

Of course there are several goblins on the ground breathing heavily.

"Oi, old man wanna fight nya!" Nekra shouts and several people hear what seems to be a record scratch.

"Oh no." Yuki says while Nekra oh she is smiling broadly as she appears in the sparring ring.


"That was fun nya." Nekra says

"Still holding back though." Yuki says

"Of course nya, I want him to get stronger so maybe he can help me actually train nya." Nekra says

"If you constantly face the same opponent you will never improve but instead just get better at finding their faults." Yuki says

"Nya, I know that's why I'm hoping he can find my faults nya." Nekra says

"So where to next?" Yuki says grabbing and holding Nekra's hand.

"Nya, I don't know there isn't much to do." Nekra responds

"We could just go watch anime or stalk aunt Rimuru if you want to." Yuki says

"Nya, maybe later for the stalking thing. Anime sounds like fun." Nekra says

"Back home then." Yuki says as they enter the stairway to the dungeon and immediately disappear.


Back in the apartment.

Yuki sits on the couch and Nekra pulls up some anime on the computer before going and laying in Yuki's embrace.

"Nya? Where is Safi?" Nekra asks as she cuddles with Yuki.


Meanwhile at the end of the road which is being built.

"Your are absolutely positive that your mothers said you could come with me?" Rimuru asks looking at the the girl that's roughly her height only slightly shorter holding a small dragon.

"Of course." Safi nods.

"Arn't you usually shorter?" Rimuru asks

"Yes but I went around like that people would ask if I was lost again." Safi says

"Again?" Rimuru asks

"Do you really believed I stayed in a dungeon all 300 years I'm not a neet like my mothers." Safi says

"The day I could transform and have this human body while carrying myself of course I would go out and explore." Safi says